Yes, we do rent goats out.

Rental Agreement Worksheet and Replacement List
(Our actual lease includes a liability waiver.)[To Download full document click here. All pages must be filled out and some sighed before rental]
High Uinta Pack Goats agrees to provide animals in good health and working condition. All necessary worming and vaccinations as well as any other routine health concerns will be taken care of prior to the renter receiving the animals. Veterinary Health Certificates will be provided where required. All equipment will be provided in good working order.
If problems develop with animals or equipment during a prolonged rental period we will provide necessary replacement items to the renter free of charge at trail heads.
Renter agrees to use the animals responsibly and treat them in a friendly, humane manner; High Uinta Pack Goats reserve the right to contact local authorities if abuse or neglect is suspected. The Renter agrees to provide adequate supervision, never leaving the animals unattended for long periods of time or allow them in hazardous areas. Should the animals be killed, lost or injured, the Renter agrees to pay High Uinta Pack Goats for the cost of replacement or necessary medical costs related to an injury. The Renter assumes responsibility for veterinary care should it become necessary during the rental period. Normal wear and tear on equipment is expected, however if it is lost or damaged due to neglect, the Renter agrees to reimburse High Uinta Pack Goats for the cost of repair or replacement.
Renter agrees not to transport goats further than 400 miles (approximate) one way. Renter verifies that they have appropriate auto insurance.
Expected length of Rental Period: Start Date ___________ Return Date ____________ Total Days Rented________
Goats Rented: #_________
Total value of animals: $1050 per animal.
Equipment Rented: See inventory list attached and on bucket kit: Total value of Equipment: $965.00 to $1035.00 per goat rig.
$_________ Amount of Goat Rental: $45 Day/Goat/Min 2 Goats
$_________ Group Discount 10% (Police, Fire, EMS and Military with ID. Others are available. ASK.)
$_________ Goat Wrangler: $45 (Rent one extra goat for Wrangler)
$_________ Trailer Rental $50 (plus tax)
$_________ In-Reach Satellite Communicator $30 (plus tax)
$_________ Health Certificate $40 (Required for Out-of-Wyoming use; except Uinta Mountains in Utah)
$_________ Food (Usually will need to be ordered 2 months in advance of rental)
$_________ Retail Equipment (Usually will need to be ordered 2 months in advance of rental) [plus tax]
$_________ State Tax: (5.00%) (Applies to trailer, communicator, and any retail except food)
$_________ Total Rental
High Uinta Pack Goats monitors the compatibility of the people and animals, as well as the treatment the animals receive at the hands of the people leasing the animals. These measurements can only be made on a subjective basis therefore;
High Uinta Pack Goats reserves the right to refuse or retract the right of any party to use these animals at any time, for any reason, with or without cause.
By signing our Rental Agreement, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the terms of this agreement.
Per Goat Rental
Cost of items if lost or damaged:- Two or more goats with collars and name tags. $1050 ea.
- 8 ft. leash with 2 carabiners. $35 ea.
- Saddle. $450 ea.
- Panniers, set of two, with rainfly. $350 ea.
- Orange Screw™ with sleeve. $30 ea.
- Water bowl 2.5 qt. $25
- Grooming brush. $5
- 0-50 lbs hand held weighing scale. $35
- Squirt bottle. $5
- Roll on bug Repellent. $0 (just let us know if you used it up)
- Treats, 1/4 c per goat per day. $0
- Goat coats. $70 (wet/cold weather item only)
- Emergency packet. $40 (includes: goat first aid booklet, vitamin B-1, leave no trace cards, whistle)